Karneval, Fastnacht oder Fasching: Die tollen Tage stehen vor ihrem Höhepunkt - doch wie wird das Wetter? Die meisten Jecken dürfen sich über Sonne freuen.

Weather forecast: Best carnival weather from Sunday at the latest

If you want to celebrate Carnival this weekend, you probably don't need to pack an umbrella. Sunday in particular, with several parades in the carnival regions, should be a sunny day, said meteorologist Christian Herold from the German Weather Service (DWD).

However, we can expect cool showers on Friday, partly with sleet and some fresh snow in the mountains, explained the meteorologist. Temperatures will peak at 4 to 9 degrees. However, winter will not last long in the mountains. A high pressure area will ensure more stable weather from the weekend onwards.

sun from Sunday

On Saturday, the DWD expects some rain or snow in the eastern mountains and in the Alps. However, the weather will clear up during the day and it will remain mostly dry. Maximum temperatures will be between 3 and 8 degrees, and around 0 degrees in the higher mountains.

The best carnival weather will arrive by Sunday at the latest: there is still a risk of thick fog in the morning, especially in the area around the carnival stronghold of Cologne, but according to Herold it will quickly clear and then "the sun will come out". Along the Rhine it will often be sunny, with maximum temperatures of around 10 degrees in Cologne or Mainz. There is no rain in sight. In the north, however, it will be cloudier and often colder: by the sea and in the higher mountains, maximum temperatures will be around 4 degrees.

The sun also lures you outside on Rose Monday

Anyone who is going to party until late at night should at least pack a jacket. With temperatures as low as minus 3 degrees on Monday night, "the jackets have to be warm," explained the meteorologist.

The DWD is also expecting "lovely carnival weather" on Shrove Monday with a maximum of 10 to 12 degrees. The south could expect spring-like temperatures of up to 15 degrees again next week. In the north, however, thick clouds will dominate the picture until at least Thursday.

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