Karnevalsumzüge, Musik, Tanz und Verkleidungen: Die fünfte Jahreszeit beginnt. Zum Start finden viele Veranstaltungen für die Narren statt.

This is how Brandenburg starts the carnival season on 11.11.

On November 11th at 11:11 a.m., Brandenburg officially starts its carnival season. More than 60 events will take place throughout the state, as Fred Witschel, President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Carnival Association, told the German Press Agency.

The start of the so-called fifth, the foolish season is symbolically heralded in many cities with the handover of the town hall key to the carnival clubs - for example in Cottbus or Werder. The symbolic handover of power is accompanied by a program and music. In Brandenburg an der Havel, a carnival parade through the city center is also planned.

The first events have already taken place beforehand, says Witschel, such as a parade in Mittenwalde. Each region celebrates differently. But one thing unites all the fools: "We can be active again. That's actually the best thing - being visible in public again."

What happens after November 11th?

The clubs will organize further festivities on the weekends until the first Advent. The provisional conclusion will take place on November 30th with a parade in Rathenow. According to Witschel, the actual session does not start until January. In addition to New Year's receptions, there are numerous other events during the carnival season.

The highlights are the gala in Cottbus (February 1) "including dancing, comedy speeches and everything that goes with carnival" as well as the street carnival in Cottbus on Tulip Sunday. 70 to 80 floats are expected to take part in the parade.

The Berlin-Brandenburg Carnival Association has 112 clubs in its ranks. The largest of these is the one in Brandenburg an der Havel with around 250 members. In terms of membership numbers, there are around 15,000 carnivalists in the state who volunteer, including around 5,000 children and young people. The numbers have remained stable - despite the pandemic.

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